Client: Statoil (now Equinor)
Project: Troll C Low NOx Project
Scope: Topside modifications (EPCIC)
Date: May 2012 – March 2014
Mhrs: 154,000
Location: NCS
For offshore platforms installed in the period from 1988 to 2003 gas turbines provide power for the facilities. Statoil have set targets for reducing NOx emissions generated from the existing turbines onboard Troll C.
The purpose of this project is to convert one of the existing turbines to (WLN) Wet Low NOx technology. The Project is an environmental Project aiming to reduce NOx emission at the Troll Field. Norway is committed to the Goteborg protocol.
The main SOW for the WLN water injection modification to the main power generator (train A) on Troll C can be summarised as follows:
The main gas generator turbine will be modified/converted to a low NOx emission turbine WLN water injection technology.
Added value: Reduce emissions